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Learn About the Updated FY 2022 IDEA Excess Cost Process

The fiscal year 2022 IDEA Excess Cost process has changed. Join us for a webinar from 1-3 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 2, to learn more and have your questions answered. 

The updated excess cost calculation should use information from the same fiscal year to determine if excess cost has been met. This change is due to many districts having difficulty meeting excess cost in states where the calculation contained information from more than one fiscal year. This has been especially true in years with increased funding for education. This adjustment should make it easier for districts to meet the excess cost requirement during this period of increased funding. 

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Why is the excess cost requirement calculation changing?

The National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI), a national technical assistance provider funded by the Office of Special Education Programs to provide technical assistance to states, released a statement that informed states that the excess cost calculation should use information from the same fiscal year to determine if excess cost has been met. NCSI released this statement because many districts were having difficulty meeting excess cost in states where the calculation contained information from more than one fiscal year. This has been especially true in years with increased funding for education. This adjustment should make it easier for districts to meet the excess cost requirement during this period of increased funding. 


What isn’t changing for the FY 2022 excess cost requirement?

Excess Cost General Information

What is changing for the FY 2022 excess cost requirement?

Adjustment to the order information is entered

On the ESEA Title and IDEA Expenditure tab, Title I Part A and Title III Parts A and B are now listed first, before IDEA. For Title I Part A and Title III Parts A and B, please report 100% of expenditures, regardless of the revenue source. This means that all expenditures paid with federal, state, and local funds should be reported for Title I Part A and Title III Parts A and B.

Excess cost calculation

Starting in FY 2022, the threshold used to determine if a district has met excess costs will be calculated from the same year as the comparable expenditures. This is unlike previous years, when the threshold was determined in one year and used in the following year. As a result, the process to determine if districts have met excess costs has changed.

A description of the three levels of expenditures

to be used is as follows:

Level One Expenditures - State and Local Special Education Expenditures

These are already identified and totaled on the ESEA Title and IDEA Expenditure tab. They consist of district’s direct expenditures for special education students that are not covered by their IDEA funds. This total will automatically be populated within IWAS.

Level Two Expenditures

These are expenditures for items that are equally available to all students (e.g., media, school lunch, school administration, attendance, guidance, etc.). Since they are equally available to all students, multiply the expenditures by the percentage of students with disabilities in the district. The percentage of students who are special education will be calculated based on the number of students with IEPs divided by the total enrollment.

Level Three Expenditures

These are expenditures for students with disabilities participating in general education. One must look at the percentage of time the students with disabilities spend in general education classrooms to determine the amount of Direct Instruction that can be included.

Other adjustments (Usually non-applicable)

There are additional options to add or subtract expenditures from the above calculation. Most districts should meet excess costs using the three tiers detailed above. If a district needs to use the other adjustments, please include an explanation indicating the reason for additional expenditures to be added or subtracted.

IDEA grant coordinators are available for questions as districts work through this process. Please direct questions to your IDEA grant coordinator by email -- Josh Green at jgreen@isbe.net, Kristin Lessen at klessen@isbe.net, and Sam Worth at sworth@isbe.net.