_ Questions? support@hbug.k12.il.us - (800) 635-5274


Sent on Behalf of Mark Conyer, Principal Consultant, Illinois State Board of Education


Per Indicator 14 of the State Performance Plan (SPP), states are required to collect and report data to the U.S. Department of Education on post-secondary education/training and employment outcomes for youth with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) one year after leaving high school. One-fourth of the unit and high school districts in Illinois are selected each spring to administer the Illinois Post-School Survey to former students, while a sample of the high schools in City of Chicago School District 299 are also selected.


ISBE will notify districts selected to administer the survey in writing in the coming weeks. The list of districts and high schools selected for spring 2020 is also available online at https://www.isbe.net/Pages/Special-Education-Indicator-14.aspx. The anticipated window to complete the survey administration will begin April 1, 2020, through June 30, 2020.


If you have questions about the Illinois Post-School Survey, please contact Mark Conyer at (217)782-5589 or mconyer@isbe.net. You can also visit the Indicator 14: Post-Schools Outcomes page at the website address noted above for further information.


Thank you,

Sara Friedrich
Program Specialist II
Illinois State Board of Education
Special Education Departments
100 N. 1st Street
Springfield, IL 62777
(217) 782-5589