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 OT/PT Manual Update 

The document, “Recommended Practices for Occupational and Physical Therapy Services in Illinois Schools” was recently updated and posted on the ISBE website.  This effort was spearheaded by the OT & PT Coordinator Consortium of Northern Illinois.  A committee comprised of OTs, PTs, and university professors completed a thorough review of the 2003 OT/PT Manual, which included comparing the document to other states’ guidelines as well as reviewing and revising each section.  The newly revised Manual replaces the 2003 version and can be found on the ISBE website at: https://www.isbe.net/Pages/Special-Education-Reports-and-Resources.aspx This document is intended to serve as guidance so that each LEA employing Therapy Practitioners can establish or update agency procedures for providing OT and/or PT services within the educational setting.


Barbara A. Moore

Director of Special Education

Illinois State Board of Education

100 North First Street, N-253

Springfield, IL 62777-0001

217-782-5589 – phone

217-782-0372 – fax
