_ Questions? support@hbug.k12.il.us - (800) 635-5274

2021-22 Data Collection and Approval Instructions for Students with Disabilities

The 2021-22 Students with Disabilities Data Collection and Approval Instructions are now available at https://www.isbe.net/Pages/State-Performance-Plan-Data-and-Accountability.aspx.

Notable changes include:

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Timeline for collection, verification and district administrator certification of the December 1 Child Count. Please review these dates carefully. District superintendent/administrator certification of the child count in I-Star will be required.

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Added language per the school code under Resident District description. 

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For the 2021-22 school year only, students who return per Public Act 102-0173 for recovery services enter Fund Code R as described in Other Fund Codes section. 

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Fund Code R (Postsecondary Transition Recovery Eligible): Used when a student with an IEP reaches the age of 22 during the time in which the student’s in-person instruction, services, or activities are suspended for a period of three months or more during the school year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Added language related to a new field – Unable to Locate Residential Placement. This field should be completed when an IEP team determines that a student requires placement in a private residential facility, but the district has not been able to locate a facility to accept the student. If the no placement is located, check the box. In the text box, describe the reason why unable to place (e.g., no facility accepted student, parent would only sign a limited number of releases, etc.). Type the date of the IEP meeting where it was determined that an IEP placement was required.

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Added language indicating IDEA Part B Funds are not allowable beyond age 21.

Special education student approval questions should be directed to Jamie Johnson at jjohnson@isbe.net or (217) 782-5589.

I-Star operation questions should be directed to Harrisburg Project at support@hbug.k12.il.us or (800) 635-5274.