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Final FY21 IDEA Part B Flow Through, Preschool Allocations, NPPS Flow Through & Preschool Set Asides
Wednesday, September 23, 2020 12:00 PM

Final FY 2021 IDEA Part B Flow Through and Preschool allocations as well as Nonpublic Proportionate Share set asides have been calculated and can be accessed via the links below.  If you have difficulty with these links you may access them from the ISBE homepage at www.isbe.net, under Finance, Budgets and Funding located in the bottom left portion of the screen, choose Funding and Disbursements from the Division list, choose Special Education Reimbursement and finally, click on the Funding accordion drop down. 

IMPORTANT:  Please note that in some cases, the final district allocation is lower than the preliminary amount published back in April.  These are due to changes in the final 2019-20 nonpublic or public enrollment.  As a reminder, nonpublic enrollment registration for new schools was open through the end of June.  Public enrollment may have been changed due to the district verification process for the Evidence Based Funding program. 

Final FY 2021 allocations and nonpublic proportionate share set asides have been loaded in eGMS for both programs.  All FY 2021 IDEA Part B Flow Through and Preschool initial applications that have been approved in eGMS by the Department of Special Education are automatically loaded into the Financial Reimbursement Information System.  You may submit cumulative cash basis expenditure reports via the Electronic Expenditure Reporting System in IWAS to receive reimbursement.  As a reminder, all federal grant vouchering occurs each Wednesday unless that day falls on a holiday or is within two business days from the end of the month.  Expenditure reports received at ISBE through Tuesday evening will be loaded and vouchered the next day.   Any carryover (i.e. unbudgeted or unexpended funds) from FY 2020 will not be moved forward into FY 2021 and made available for an amendment until a final FY 2020 expenditure report is on file.

Note:  Cooperatives that are finalizing their FY2020 expenditures, please report your member district carryover split with the RCDT, District Name and amount for IDEA Flow Through and Preschool in whole dollars only.  Enter the data on your cooperative letterhead, sign and scan to Tim Imler at timler@isbe.net

2019-20 Final Nonpublic Enrollment https://www.isbe.net/Documents/2019-20-Nonpublic-Enrollment.pdf

FY 2021 IDEA Part B Flow Through https://www.isbe.net/Documents/FY21-IDEA-Part-B-Flow-Through-Prelim.pdf

FY 2021 IDEA Part B Preschool https://www.isbe.net/Documents/FY21-IDEA-Part-B-Preschool-Prelim.pdf

FY 2021 IDEA Part B Flow Through Nonpublic Proportionate Share https://www.isbe.net/Documents/FY21-NPPS-IDEA-FT-Prelim.pdf

FY 2021 IDEA Part B Preschool Nonpublic Proportionate Share https://www.isbe.net/Documents/FY21-NPPS-IDEA-PS-Prelim.pdf

Please keep in mind the following as you review the data provided:

  1. All 2019-20 student approval data in I-Star is closed.  There will be no changes to these calculations.
  2. Data is from the final December 1, 2019 special education child count.
  3. Non-public Fund Codes L, P, and N (Eligible Not Served with Reasons for Not Receiving Services codes of 02, 03 and 04) are identified with the Serving District.

The Total District Special Ed column combines Fund Codes L, P and N based on the Serving District with all other Fund Codes that were identified with the Resident District as reported in I-Star.

Tim Imler
Funding and Disbursements
Illinois State Board of Education